I have been sewing away..i am making my Valentines goodies..I should be able to show some pics soon.. I am gonna start listing them on Ebay and Etsy real soon. I have been so busy lately with work and the house. I still haven't gotten all my decorations up this year like I have in the past. I think I will go with what I got done and be thankful i got that much done.
I will be doing a give away real soon. I was going to wait till I hit 100 followers but I still can do something then as well. I will being doing a Christmas one and then a Valentines one. It will be fun. Just have to put some finishing touches on it..
Well i will be posting pics real soon of my new goodies I have made..
~ simple embroidery ~
Good Morning Friends & Folk...
and a very happy Tuesday to us all.
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
we are awaiting yet another snowfall.
with predictions anywhere from 2...
Can't wait to see what you have come up with! Glad you have had some time to make goodies! I will watch for them. Nice you are close to 100 followers!